ASEAN Tourism Forum 2020: Brunei Darussalam

Introduction: The ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) is a cooperative regional effort to promote the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as one tourism destination. Objective:  Single, Multi-faceted destination. Highly competitive and attractive region within Asia. ASEAN Member Countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam. Each year, […]

कानाताल: एक रमणीय पर्यटन ग्राम

कानाताल एक खूबसूरत पहाड़ी गांव है, जो उत्तराखंड के टिहरी गढ़वाल जिले में समुद्र तल से 8500 फुट की ऊंचाई पर स्थित है। यह दर्शनीय स्थल ऋषिकेश- मसूरी मार्ग पर चम्बा से 12 किमी की दूरी पर स्थित है। चारों तरफ से हिमालय की पर्वतमालाओं से घिरा यह क्षेत्र अपने शांत वातावरण, हरी-भरी वादियों, एडवेंचर […]

Budget Trip to Nepal

Namaste!!! Most of the travellers want to visit tourist destinations of Nepal but because of having less information they didn’t plan to explore and some tourists divert to other destinations due to expensive flights and hotels or simply consider Nepal as over budgeted destination. In this travelogue, I will share my Nepal Travel Story which helps […]

A walk through an Adarsh Gaushala

Every time I as a wanderer look around for unexplored tourism destination. Made plans to visit, experience, capture the moments and then share stories through various social media platforms. My wish list includes beaches, mountains, palaces, national parks, villages etc. Recently, my friend suggested me to visit the ‘home of cows’ i.e Gaushala. I mockingly […]

Gwālior Heritage Walk: Steps through the Virāsat

Gwālior is awarded as the “Best Heritage City” in National Tourism Award 2013-14. It is famous as Tānsen Nagri and famous as the Historical City of Madhya Pradesh. It was founded by Rājā Shoor Sen and named on Saint Gwālipa. Gwalior is inscribed in Mahābhārat as Goprāshtra. Today’s Geography of Gwālior is divided into 3 […]

Songiri Group of Temples

Sonagiri literally means ‘A Golden Mountain’ is a sacred and religious site of Digambar sect of Jainism. It is situated in Datia district of Madhya Pradesh. There are lots of temples, idols and meditation place in Sonagiri. Tourists and Devotees of Jainism from all over the world visited the sacred place to take blessings. While traveling between Gwalior- Jhansi, […]

Lakheshwari Temple, Gwalior

Lakheshwari Temple (लखेश्वरी माता मंदिर) is situated in Gwalior district and very near to Bhitarwar village. It is located at hilltop (460 ft) and surrounded by lush green forest. It is one of the famous Goddess temples of the region and pilgrims from surrounding regions visit this place and take the blessing.  Tourists/ Pilgrims have to climb more […]

Heritage Trio of Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh as the heart of ‘Incredible India’ is rapidly becoming a preferred tourism destination in India. This is attributed to the state’s rich spiritual, cultural and natural heritage with 10 National Park, 25 Sanctuaries, 6 Tiger Reserves, 2 Shiva Jyotirlingas and 3 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Tourists from all over the world visited Madhya […]

Amadubi: Village of Paitkar Art

It was a month of March in Gwalior when I was planning for my first Jharkhand trip. So, I called up my friend in New Delhi asked him for some suggestions. He said if you are going to Jharkhand, Do not miss Amadubi, one of the most famous rural tourism sites of Jharkhand and known […]

Jharkhand Travel Mart, 2018

Jharkhand is located on the Chhotanagpur plateau, one of the oldest land formations in the world, Jharkhand the 28th state of India. With nearly one-third of its total area under forest cover, Jharkhand is rightfully called the “land of forests”. The lush green forests, rivers, and waterfalls of this primeval land are home to many kinds […]