Anegundi: a small village at a distance of 5 kilometres from the grandiose boulder-strewn land called Hampi renowned for its eloquent architectures of which most are ruined yet astounding and recognised by UNESCO World Heritage Site. Hampi, known for the ruins and culture, is rich in architectural and natural exquisite. Here natural beauty doesn’t mean […]

Self-Sufficient Tourism with Reference to India

One saying aptly says “The Traveler sees what he sees, but the tourist sees what he has comes to see”. Tourism offers multiple benefits to the individuals as well as society. At the individual level, tourism opens the gate to the outside world. People get to see, experience and know what is lying beyond the […]

Spiritual Tourism: The Tradition of Yatra & Temples in India

पर्यटन् पृथिवीं सर्वां, गुणान्वेषणतत्परः – Panchatantraजो गुणों की खोज में तत्पर हैं, वे लोग सारी पृथ्वी घुमते हैं ।Those who wish to seek virtues travel the entire world. India has valued Spiritual Tourism in the form of ‘Tirth Yatra’ and its experienced since decades. According to the Textual scholars, the earliest reference to Hindu pilgrimage is […]