Amadubi: Village of Paitkar Art

It was a month of March in Gwalior when I was planning for my first Jharkhand trip. So, I called up my friend in New Delhi asked him for some suggestions. He said if you are going to Jharkhand, Do not miss Amadubi, one of the most famous rural tourism sites of Jharkhand and known […]

PATA Travel Mart 2017, Macau

Founded in 1951, PATA (Pacific Asia Travel Association) is a not-for-profit association, working to promote the responsible development of travel and tourism in the Asia Pacific region. Its headquarter is based in Bangkok, Thailand and also has offices in Sydney and China. More than 95 government, state and city tourism bodies, 25 international airlines and airports, 108 […]

Tiranga Rally in Gwalior by Cyclists

Independence Day is celebrated by the people of India every year on 15th of August as a National Festival to commemorate the Independence of India from the British Empire rule on 15th of August in 1947. On this day, people of India pay heartily homage to the great leaders/ freedom fighters in the leadership of whom India […]