Three Days Trip to Khajuraho

The Temples of Khajuraho are India’s unique gift to the world, representing, as they do, a paean to life, to love to joy; perfect in execution and sublime in expression. The amazingly short span of 100 years, from 950 AD – 1050 AD, saw the completion of all the temples, in an inspired burst of creativity. […]

Sran Tourist Farm, Banmore

“Once Mahatma Gandhi said ‘’Back to Villages, Swami Dayanand Saraswati said ‘Back to Vedas’, then one day I said ‘Back to bicycle’” Sran Farm House is a beautiful place situated on A.B. Road near Banmore, near Gwalior. Thing that made it special is green field and paddy field surroundings. Presence of two natural ponds in […]